I was wondering when i log to mjy yahoo account it's appear as Yahoo!7 . It's little bit differnt from Yahoo!.I think sometimes you also wondering about that. here i found some information about Yahoo!7.
*Yahoo!7 is a 50-50 partnership between the Seven Network(Seven Media Group) and Yahoo! Inc. in Australia.It has launched in February 2006.
- Yahoo!7 content is an amalgamation of consumer applications such as email , search and instant messaging, with local television and print content.
- Yahoo!7 offers a search engine as well as other vertical search services such as Yahoo!7 Image, Yahoo!7 Video, Yahoo!7 Local, Yahoo!7 News, and Yahoo!7 Shopping Search.
- Yahoo!7 Mail and Yahoo!7 Messenger, as well as social networking services and user-generated content in products such as My Web, Yahoo!7 Groups, Yahoo!7 Video, Jumpcut and Flickr are some internet communication services that Yahoo!7 offers
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