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Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Running Blog on a USB flash drive

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Do you know now you can use your USB Pen drive as “mini server”?

There is an open source WAMP (Windows-Apache-MYSQL-PHP) bundle called XAMPP that are able to run most PHP based scripts directly from the bundle’s installation directory.You can use XAMPP to install many other scripts like Joomla, Drupal, Moodle…etc, and work on them in your leisure time, right from your very own “mini server”. Although XAMPP turns your little USB drive into a “mini server”, the only one who can access “localhost” is you.

Just download it as a zip file, and unpack it onto your USB flash drive. In order to run a site or a blog,If you want to run in USB , you need to create a folder with a specific name in the htdocs folder of your XAMPP installation directory.

So, if you named your folder as “no1-tutorial” and your flash drive is named as E:\, the path should look like this:


So briefly, the steps to run a your blog on a USB flash drive are just:

1. Install XAMPP by unpacking it onto the drive.
2. Click on the icon file named “xampp-control”.
3. Start Apache and MySQL by clicking “start” for each of them.
4. Open a browser window and type in http://localhost/xampp
5.You’ll see a splash screen; click on phpMyAdmin and create a new database with your chosen name by entering it into the empty field and clicking on the “create” button.
6. Copy your blog files into E:\XAMPP\htdocs\no1-tutorial
7.Edit the wp-config-sample.php as you would for a self hosted your blog. You may use the username of “root”, and no password is needed (because the user “root” has by default, all privileges, and no password. )
8.Go to the url http://localhost/no1-tutorial and the rest is history.
See how easy it is....Just try
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