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Friday, June 26, 2009


Dedicated Server Hosting / Dedicate Sercer

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A dedicated server hosting(dedicated service or managed hosting service) is a type of Internet hosting in which the client leases an entire server not shared with anyone. This is more flexible and secure than shared hosting, as organizations have full control over the server(s), including choice of operating system, hardware, etc.
From a single web server to a comprehensive multi-server solution, dedicated server hosting gives you the hardware and management services you need for a low fixed monthly fee. Dedicated Web hosting reduces up front costs while giving you the flexibility to expand and change as your business requires. Explore the components of your custom dedicated server solution, designed for your needs and budget.
Server administration can usually be provided by the hosting company as an add-on service. In some cases a dedicated server can offer less overhead and a larger return on investment. Dedicated servers are most often housed in data centers, similar to colocation facilities, providing redundant power sources and HVAC systems. In contrast to collocation, the server hardware is owned by the provider and in some cases they will provide support for your operating system or applications.

Dedicate Hosting Server management can include some or all of the following:

* Operating system updates
* Application updates

* Server monitoring
* SNMP hardware monitoring
* Application monitoring
* Technical support
* Firewall services
* Antivirus updates
* Security audits

* DDoS protection and mitigation
* Intrusion detection
* Backups and restoration
* Disaster recovery
* DNS hosting service
* Load balancing
* Database administration
* Performance tuning
* Software installation and configuration
* User management
* Programming consultation

Network and Security

Once your needs grow beyond a single server, your dedicated server hosting environment requires a network and security infrastructure. Multi-tier environments may include private-backend networks to segregate communications, firewalls to control access and load balancers to enable scalable and redundant applications.

Storage and Backup
Dedicate Server should have a broad range of server backup options to ensure your critical data is always protected.

Dedicated hosting server providers define their level of management based on the services they provide.
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Dedicated server hosting has become the norm of the day! It can make server management so much easier!

Data Migration

Unknown said...

Dedicated server hosting is the best option any day. It provides people with much more flexibility.

Wine Bottle Stopper

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