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Saturday, March 14, 2009


IE Cookies Enable

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What is a cookie?
Cookie is a Text File that web server can store on a user's hard and retrieve it later.This text file contains useful information such as user preferences,shopping cart selections etc. This file can contain up to 4000 characters. A cookie does not collect information about you or take any files from your computer. It is solely used to enable you to have a faster and more pleasant experience on the internet.

How to Enable and Disable cookies

Sometimes we might need to enable or disable cookies in Internet Explorer. You must have seen that message that comes up saying, "to enter this page you must enable cookies in "Internet Explorer" & "Mozilla Firefox".
How to enable (or disable) cookies

Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7:

1. Start Internet Explorer.
2. From the toolbar select Tools.
3. Select Internet Options
4. Select the Privacy tab
5. Click Advanced
6. Place a check in the Override Automatic Cookie Handling check box.
7. Under First Party Cookies, select the Accept option.
8. Under Third Party Cookies, select the Accept option.
9. Click OK.
10. In the Internet Options window, click on OK.

How to enable (or disable) cookies in Mozilla Firefox

1. Open the Tools menu at the top of the browser window
2. Then select Internet Options
3. Go to the Privacy tab .
4. In cookies section unchecked Accept cookies from site.
5. Select OK.

How to remove cookies in your computer (in Mozilla Firefox)

1.Open the Tools menu at the top of the browser window
2. Then select Internet Options
3. Go to the Privacy tab .
4. In cookies section click Show Cookies.
Here you can see the cookies which are in your computer
5.Then click remove all cookies button
6.Then press Ok.

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0 comment(s) |
what is cookie?
Cookie is a text File that web server can store on a user,s hard and retrieve it later.This textfile contains useful information such as user prefernces ,shopping cart selections etc.this file can contain up to 4000 characters.A cookie does not collect information about you or take any files from your computer. It is solely used to enable you to have a faster and more pleasant experience on the internet

How to Enable and Disable cookies

Sometimes we might need to enable or disable cookies in Internet Explorer. You must have seen that message that comes up saying, "to enter this page you must enable cookies in "Internet Explorer" & "Mozilla Firefox".

How to enable (or disable) cookies in Mozilla Firefox

1. Open the Tools menu at the top of the browser window
2. Then select Internet Options
3. Go to the Privacy tab .
4. In cookies section unchecked Accept cookies from site
5. Select OK

How to remove cookies in your computer (in Mozilla Firefox)

1.Open the Tools menu at the top of the browser window
2. Then select Internet Options
3. Go to the Privacy tab .
4. In cookies section click Show Cookies
Here you can see the cookies which are in your computer
5.then click remove all cookies button
6.Then press ok

How to enable (or disable) cookies

Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7:

1. Start Internet Explorer.
2. From the toolbar select Tools
3. Select Internet Options
4. Select the Privacy tab
5. Click Advanced
6. Place a check in the Override Automatic Cookie Handling check box.
7. Under First Party Cookies, select the Accept option.
8. Under Third Party Cookies, select the Accept option.
9. Click OK.
10. In the Internet Options window, click on OK
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Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Backup Your Email Account Settings in Outlook Express

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Do you have to manually set email account settings every time you format or get a new computer?
Today I'm going to tell you how to save your email account settings to find your settings if something goes wrong.

Export your Email Account Settings from Outlook Express:

1. Open Outlook Express
2. Go to Tools menu & click Accounts.
3. Then on the Mail tab, choose the mail account (that you want to export).
4. Then click Export from the right side menu
5. In the Save In box, the file name will be filled in for you. (It usually gets saved to My Documents.)
6. Then click Save
7. Copy this file to your backup disk

Import your email account settings into Outlook :

1. Insert your backup disk
2. Open Outlook Express
3. On the Tools menu, click Accounts
4. Choose the Mail tab
5. Then click on Import and locate the file (on your backup disc)
6. Click on your file. That's it. Now you can check your email.

*You can import your email account settings into Windows Mail also
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Tips for Speedup Loading WebPages

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When building web pages, one of the most important factors to consider is the time it takes for your page to load. Here are some tips to speedup your web page

  • Spread your Content : You can speedup loading your web pages by producing smaller web pages.Don't put all of your informations/data into one page. (This also helps the user becourse they can read exactly what they want , instead of having to read through unnecessary information.)

  • Optimize Graphics in your web page
  • Use Text Links instead of graphic buttons : text loads more faster than graphics .
  • simple designs : Simple designs make it easy for the user to navigate around your page.
  • Use Tables : Browsers load the layout of each table before loading the content into it. If you put all the content on your page into one table, then your customers will see only a blank page until the layout of the page is completed. If you use many outer tables to present the page displays the content of each table as soon as its elements are loaded.
  • Optimize your HTML code : Make sure your html is correct.Mistakes in your HTML can cause delays and even error messages. Do not put unnecessary tags and incorrect image sources.
  • Minimize use of graphics, Flash, scripts Flashing and moving pictures : I know many people use these things make their web pages look great;but when they take too long to load, the customer gets impatient and leaves. (If you want to have something fancy, be sure to see how it loads and optimize it to work better.)
  • Use Server Side Include (SSI) files : SSI files once called from the web server reside in its cache so on subsequent requests they load faster.
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Thursday, March 5, 2009


ON Screen Keyboard

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Why you would need an on screen keyboard?.
Great for people with disabilities that find it easier to use a mouse rather than a keyboard.Also if you missing a few keys off your pc or laptop keyboard.. They were not cheap to replace can use this.

There are 2 ways to bring up the on screen keyboard,

First Way
1. Click on start
2. Choose run
3.Then type OSK
4. Here the keyboard will come up
Seconed way
1. Click on start.
2. Then choose All Programs==>Accessories==>Accessibility==>Onscreen keyboard

If you want you can make a shortcut to it on the desktop. Here's how.
1. Right click on the desktop
2. Choose new.
3.Then choose shortcut.
4. Type osk ==> click next ==> click finish.
5. An icon will now be on the desktop.
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Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Login to your user account automatically

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Why would you want to login to your user account automatically?

* There is nothing important on your computer.
* The computer is for a child to play games on.
* You are lazy and don't want to type in a password.'
* You want to access your computer quickly.
* You are the only user on the computer.
* You are not worried if anyone uses your computer.
( you can only automatically login to one user account at a time, therefore one username can only be set to automatic. To change which account you want to login to you must disable the previous one by replacing the tick in the box Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer.)

1. First go to the start menu and choose run. .
2. Type control userpasswords2 in the run box
3. Select a user name by clicking on it once (making it blue.)
4.Now untick(unchecked) the box that says Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer.
5.Then press apply.
6.Now you have to enter the user name password twice and press ok.(if you want you can leave it blank)
7. Then Press ok ( It'll atomatically exit the User account window.)
When you start the computer next time you can automatically log into your computer

* Just remember that if you set your computer to automatic login then anyone who turns your computer on can access your user account and all the files and folders.
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Monday, March 2, 2009


Create A Backup of your computer data using Windows XP

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Backup your data on your computer is very important, here is the way how to create backups using Windows XP

1. First go to Start Menu
2. Then choose All Programs ==> Accessories ==> System Tools, and finally Backup
3. The Backup and Restore Wizard will appear. Here you can choose to either Backup or Restore
4. choose Backups and Click next
5. Then you must choose what to backup. Select the one you want and click next.
* My Documents and settings only
* Everyone's Documents and Settings
* All the information on your computer, making a complete recovery disk. (wow)
* Let me choose what to backup
A screen will appear according to your choice.
6. Then you have to choose where to save your backup file. ( usually save it on the desktop so we can transfer it to a disk for safe keeping.)
7. Click finish to start the backup process

  • Do not use a computer while a back-up is in progress. If you change a file during the back-up operation, you will not know which version was actually saved, or you could halt or corrupt the back-up. It will also slow your computer down.
  • Do not leave your back-up media in an environment that has a tendency to get wet or is not climate controlled. Computer equipment is fairly sensitive, and there is a chance you will lose your back-ups.

  • Backing up your computer can take a long time, especially if you have quite a bit of data you would like to keep. Plan the backup for a time that your computer will be on (or you purposefully leave it on), but a time that you will not be using the files.
  • Set a schedule to backup all of your important files. Depending on how often you use your computer and the files change, you can set it in most program to run however often you like. Just remember to have media ready and the computer on when it is time for backups.
  • Keep your back-ups in a safe place away from environmental hazards. Depending on how important it is, fire safes and safety deposit boxes are great places to keep back-up media. If they are not very critical, filing cabinets or desks are fine places.
  • Make sure your back-up process completes successfully before using your computer again.

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