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Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Tips for Speedup Loading WebPages

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When building web pages, one of the most important factors to consider is the time it takes for your page to load. Here are some tips to speedup your web page

  • Spread your Content : You can speedup loading your web pages by producing smaller web pages.Don't put all of your informations/data into one page. (This also helps the user becourse they can read exactly what they want , instead of having to read through unnecessary information.)

  • Optimize Graphics in your web page
  • Use Text Links instead of graphic buttons : text loads more faster than graphics .
  • simple designs : Simple designs make it easy for the user to navigate around your page.
  • Use Tables : Browsers load the layout of each table before loading the content into it. If you put all the content on your page into one table, then your customers will see only a blank page until the layout of the page is completed. If you use many outer tables to present the page displays the content of each table as soon as its elements are loaded.
  • Optimize your HTML code : Make sure your html is correct.Mistakes in your HTML can cause delays and even error messages. Do not put unnecessary tags and incorrect image sources.
  • Minimize use of graphics, Flash, scripts Flashing and moving pictures : I know many people use these things make their web pages look great;but when they take too long to load, the customer gets impatient and leaves. (If you want to have something fancy, be sure to see how it loads and optimize it to work better.)
  • Use Server Side Include (SSI) files : SSI files once called from the web server reside in its cache so on subsequent requests they load faster.
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