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Thursday, March 5, 2009


ON Screen Keyboard

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Why you would need an on screen keyboard?.
Great for people with disabilities that find it easier to use a mouse rather than a keyboard.Also if you missing a few keys off your pc or laptop keyboard.. They were not cheap to replace can use this.

There are 2 ways to bring up the on screen keyboard,

First Way
1. Click on start
2. Choose run
3.Then type OSK
4. Here the keyboard will come up
Seconed way
1. Click on start.
2. Then choose All Programs==>Accessories==>Accessibility==>Onscreen keyboard

If you want you can make a shortcut to it on the desktop. Here's how.
1. Right click on the desktop
2. Choose new.
3.Then choose shortcut.
4. Type osk ==> click next ==> click finish.
5. An icon will now be on the desktop.
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