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Monday, March 2, 2009


Create A Backup of your computer data using Windows XP

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Backup your data on your computer is very important, here is the way how to create backups using Windows XP

1. First go to Start Menu
2. Then choose All Programs ==> Accessories ==> System Tools, and finally Backup
3. The Backup and Restore Wizard will appear. Here you can choose to either Backup or Restore
4. choose Backups and Click next
5. Then you must choose what to backup. Select the one you want and click next.
* My Documents and settings only
* Everyone's Documents and Settings
* All the information on your computer, making a complete recovery disk. (wow)
* Let me choose what to backup
A screen will appear according to your choice.
6. Then you have to choose where to save your backup file. ( usually save it on the desktop so we can transfer it to a disk for safe keeping.)
7. Click finish to start the backup process

  • Do not use a computer while a back-up is in progress. If you change a file during the back-up operation, you will not know which version was actually saved, or you could halt or corrupt the back-up. It will also slow your computer down.
  • Do not leave your back-up media in an environment that has a tendency to get wet or is not climate controlled. Computer equipment is fairly sensitive, and there is a chance you will lose your back-ups.

  • Backing up your computer can take a long time, especially if you have quite a bit of data you would like to keep. Plan the backup for a time that your computer will be on (or you purposefully leave it on), but a time that you will not be using the files.
  • Set a schedule to backup all of your important files. Depending on how often you use your computer and the files change, you can set it in most program to run however often you like. Just remember to have media ready and the computer on when it is time for backups.
  • Keep your back-ups in a safe place away from environmental hazards. Depending on how important it is, fire safes and safety deposit boxes are great places to keep back-up media. If they are not very critical, filing cabinets or desks are fine places.
  • Make sure your back-up process completes successfully before using your computer again.

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